IMAGO Proctor

Control, Automate and Manage with Confidence

IMAGO Proctor is made for all stakeholders and IT administrators to benefit from the central management console. It provides a bird’s-eye view of the software and hardware configuration as well as the health status of a selected environment.


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IMAGO Proctor

IMAGO Proctor is made for all stakeholders and IT administrators to benefit from the central management console. It provides a bird’s-eye view of the software and hardware configuration as well as the health status of a selected environment. Proctor brings back valuable time for everyone to focus on their job at hand and less on navigating technological issues. A contactless approach to IT management, this proprietary application of IMAGO provides a one-stop point for support and troubleshooting without the need to install or use additional software.

Technical Specifications:

  • Centrally deploy, manage, monitor and secure a fleet of IMAGO AIOS with preset configurations and settings
  • Apply policies and settings from a central source
  • Remotely track and monitor compromised AIOS boards
  • Restore data remotely
  • Prevent unauthorized access to wireless connections and ports
  • Administrator-managed access to control security patches and downloads with device profile security controls


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